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Unfunny Wizard
Posts : 1
Join date : 2023-12-14
Age : 16
Location : The Great Forrest

I ams the Unfunny wizard Empty I ams the Unfunny wizard

Thu Dec 14, 2023 1:22 am
Hello, I ams Writing this message in my crystal ball at my tower in the great woods, i ams 2799 years old and my assistant Forbus has told me to "post things on the internet".

I ams of the CONJURATION school and I thinks i should say some things here.

Exclamation Controversial opinion Exclamation : Warlocks are NOT anywhere close to us in power, their interdimensional Demon patrons are the only thing that might even have a very minute chance of hitting one of us once Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

1800 years ago I learnt how to make things appear from THIN AIR, which is cool i guess.

I will post more here LATER, TOooDaLOOo.
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